Here is my little angel child. She has been smiling her whole life! She plays well with others, she plays well with herself. She even potty-trained herself, that's right all by HERSELF! Sure she looks cute but you are looking at a hardened criminal! The one and only Wal-Mart candy snatcher.

We were checking out at Wal-Mart and I was on the phone at the same time (my first mistake). Jasmine asked to have a candy and I said no then continued what I was doing (second mistake, I didn't make sure she put the candy back on the shelf). That little sneak put the candy down the front of her shirt! Now the other kids have been told that it is stealing if we don't pay for the item but I don't recall ever telling Jasmine (obviously my third mistake). I didn't even notice that she was holding on to something inside the front of her shirt until I lifted her into the van. Unfortunately, even though she didn't quite know better, I still had to do something about it. I took her into the store and made her give the candy back which was torture for her because she hates getting into trouble. I had also told the kids that we would get some Wendy's on the way home but I didn't want to reward Jasmine with Chicken nuggets right after the incident so I took her home to her Dad then took the other two to Wendy's. She also got grounded for the rest of the day, no friends and no park.
Such a sad day for a little four-year-old. I sure hope she has learned her lesson!