Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Splashin' Cousins

Playing in the water is so much fun, especially when it is 105 outside!

We love the splash park by the library! It has a really neat river for kids to play in. The best part is that kids can play in a river without the mud factor. My girls and their cousins had a great time plugging up the river with their bodies so that the water would get really big.

By the way, it was a week of lots of girls! Craig and Steven where busy most of the time so it was Laura and me with 6 girls and 1 boy. Poor guy! Thats OK because Alison had a blast with Don and he played really well with her.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

That looks like so much fun!! I'd love to have one of those here. Oh, just this morning at breakfast Maggie asked if the 3 girls could come to our house to play. I tried to explain that you live a long ways away. Then she thought we should go pick you all up and bring you to our house to play. Kids are so funny.

I love that memory! And the ice cream or whip cream fight we had in the kitchen. Too much fun! Or singing Garth Brooks songs like country bumpkins. We need to sing together again.